Friday, August 7, 2009


I get this question a lot: "Have you cut his hair already or does it just grow into that perfect bowl cut?" It is virgin hair but it is a lot longer than you may it is after the shampoo, before the style.

We've upgraded bath time - he likes to sit up all the time now but is makes me a bit nervous in the tub (slippery when wet!) so we added a little support/fun.

A new fun game: Blowing raspberries while eating. Messy messy (notice the orange on the end of his eyelashes) I'm just happy he's liking more foods - we now eat prunes, sweet potatoes, peas, pears, and summer squash.

Grandpa Jones was daring enough to let me try on his expensive and very white hat during a dinner of prunes...all for the sake of documenting some cuteness. Thanks Grandpa - yee haw!

When B was born, he was barely the size of this monkey that Aunties Mel and Shauna gifted us. Now the monkey is a favorite during play time.

Today was a long day for me with two babies that didn't think naps were important - but at the end of the day, I could not be happier and more in love with our little man. He is constantly learning and absorbing everything around him and I cherish every moment (even the grumpy ones) that I get to share with him. And he's just so cute (look at those pecs)!

1 comment:

Rosanne and Brian Carter said...

Love all the pics; he is so stinkin' adorable! Are you making your own baby food or buying them?