The weather here has been gorgeous so we've been soaking it up. We took a family trip to Bachelor and I was reaquainted with my skis after a season off. We took a day trip to Whidbey to get some fresh air and explore the beach. And we've been making great use of our new pass to the zoo - which we love, especially on 60 degree days in February! We're also learning the "cons" of daycare and Bennett just conquered his first real cold - fevers and all - courtesy of one of his new buddies. He's getting a few more teeth and closer to walking every day. He's quite the ham and has learned to "cheese" for the camera. We're learning new signs - Aunt Jenny taught us "more" while we were vacationing together. Oh yeah, and we got a new's the proof:
Hitting the slopes - glad to be back even with a little wind and snow to bear (the next day was bright blue skies).
Aunt Jenny - Bennett is in love with her!
Cooking with Grandma - Bennett had so much fun exploring Sunriver with Grandma!
Helping Grandpa decide which goggles to wear.
Brushing his new teeth (I'm pretty sure he just likes the taste of the toothpaste but we'll just keep "practicing").
Finding fun sticks and rocks on the beach.
Family Photo (Lola is stage right).
Penguins at the zoo put on a good show!
Watching the big kids run around while we had a little picnic.
This is his "cheese" face...maybe not his best look but it makes me laugh every time I look at it!